Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Work Blog

I just got done sitting my ass through a 45 minute "Survey Review" meeting at work. "Survey Review" means just just that. There was a survey in October. They made a powerpoint of the results, and it was narrated by an exceedingly soft-spoken hispanic woman who mostly said "umm" and read off the screen. And the survey says.... people want better training, but they would like to keep their jobs. Jenny says... duh.

I did find out that my sister has to take the same survey because right in the middle of the "Review", the survey company was all "LOOK WHAT WE CAN DO" and listed her major corporation along with the other major corporations they survey. After all this surveying... shouldn't this company pretty much know what people want? I think the corps just want to be able to say "in the last 18 months, 1% of our employees are more likely to stay for plus or minus another 2 to 3 years".

The "Survey Review" was so traumatic and cold that I had to buy myself warm food instead of cold salad at the uber-hip lunch truck, so called because the little old Asian man who hasn't been cutting his hair recently and wears 90's-era "sporty" sunglasses with reflective lenses and a camouflage dollars apron listens solely to KIIS FM, the same station that plays mostly Chris Brown (not anymore!!) and Lady Gaga all day. It also plays Ryan Seacrest in the Morning, a show so terrible and shallow that one cannot HELP but listen to it. There will be another blog about this. I wanted so badly to segue to a completely different subject, but then I'd have to think up a title that would encompass cold misery + delicious pasta + my love/hate relationship with Ryan Seacrest in the Morning.

Pasta = orgasmically good. Not any pasta. Most is boring. But uber-hip truck pasta is almost worth letting myself go for. The only reason I refrain from buying it everyday is because then I would blow my budget for hookers and blow.

So I'm eating my pasta at my desk, (pathetic? maybe), writing a blog, and researching the bizarre names that people in Turkey and Italy think up for their denim fabrics. In English. I mean, it would be understandable if they named things oddly because Turkish is an odd language - I think. But to name a certain line of denim one of the following is just... oh, ESL:





And, my personal favorite:


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