Thursday, February 19, 2009

Because 5am is Where All the COOL Kids Hang Out

Jesse and I have discussed, and agreed upon (!), a new schedule. Seeing as we have the social lives of certain predatory birds, it makes no sense to stay up late and just wait around for bedtime by playing video games/facebook and spooling out that last reserve of energy until we're drained like a functional bathtub.


Starting Tuesday of this week, we are instead wasting our time in the morning, at FIVE O'CLOCK. Voluntarily. This is of about the same normalcy level as Jesse getting pregnant. With a gerbil. These past two mornings, I have spent my reserve three hours doing the following: facebook and crafts. The selfsame things I did in my post-work three hours. HOWEVER, I did these things without feeling guilty about not actively pursuing house-cleaning responsibilities instead. Because NOW, I can justify not unloading the dishwasher with "that would be so noisy for Jon and Margaret. I wouldn't want to wake them up with clanking dishes at (5am - 8am)." So I don't. I facebook without shame. Though at the same time, I am prevented from hammering on crap for the same reasons. Because I'm nice.

I thought I wouldn't like this super-early hour. Instead, I find I REALLY LIKE IT. I like having a cup of coffee or two and/or spilling it on my leg before brushing my teeth. I like sitting quietly across from Jesse while he reads and I do tiny things while I still maintain a semblance of good vision and not-carpal-tunnel hands. Someday I'll have old-lady-claws, so I'd best get this in before my knuckles look like tree knobs.

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