Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sorry for the Lameness

I haven't posted in a few days (some peeps I'm sure are thinking PHEW!). Mostly due to lethargy, a little bit due to it being the weekend and not having anything interesting happen, and the last bit due to my attempting several times to make a mother$#*&ing pincushion in which to put my pins and failing miserably EVERY DAMNED TIME.

I was going to make an adorable hedgehog pincushion with the pins being the spikes and name him Prick in honor of Jesse, but I ended up with this fraying abomination that could be bested by a 5 year old in a special needs kindergarten class. It's hideous. It's terribly embarrassing that these hands that can produce the tiniest solder joints can NOT produce something from a pattern with instructions written for above-mentioned 5 year old. It's sitting in the bedroom because Jesse, for some reason that I'm sure includes "ammo for future blackmail", is apparently so in love with it that he won't let me put it out of its misery. No, you cannot see it. Ever, regardless of how good of friends you really think we are. Not ever. If Jesse offers to show it to you, know that it will be the last time you see him with both testicles. Just think of that when he says something about the hedgehog pincushion. SAVE HIS FUTURE BEES.

Then, I tried making an adorable cupcake pincushion like these, but I ended up instead with something that resembled my efforts when I was 5 to microwave flour paste in my pink plastic (insert 80's doll that came with a) muffin pan. Large, overblown, pasty-white, and completely useless. Finn can attest - he witnessed the frustration and ugliness.

Then, I thought to myself, "maybe I'll just do what I did for my very first pincushion when I was 5." I could cross-stitch something cheeky and/or snarky in a general square and then sew it together. Then I remembered: I'M IN ADULT BEGINNING SEWING: THE APRON". I can't sew things together yet. Even if I could, I'd have to wait until class ANYWAY, which is what I need a stupid pincushion for ANYWAY. UGH.

Although, in searching for cheeky and/or snarky things to stitch onto a pincushion, I happened upon this, from the blog author of Snarky Stitching, which in turn led me to watching Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog, which I think is the best thing that has happened to humanity since the advent of Neil Patrick Harris being cool again. SRSLY - if you haven't watched it yet, you're not one of the cool kids like the whole rest of the United States and probably France. I knew I should have watched it sooner, and NOW it turns out you only have until July to watch it, at which point it will be gone forever. I don't know why.

Now, go watch Dr. Horrible and make sure not to think about Hedgehog Pincushions, because Jesse's future reproductive capabilities depend on you.


  1. "this fraying abomination that could be bested by a 5 year old in a special needs kindergarten class"

    Wait, is that the reference to Jesse?

  2. Well.... I had been referring to the name 'Prick'...

  3. "I was going to make an adorable hedgehog pincushion with the pins being the spikes and name him Prick in honor of Jesse..."

    This made me laugh so hard, as well as the rest of that paragraph. Now I'm REALLY curious to see this pincushion! The cactus one is pretty cute though.
