Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The End of the Reign of Silence

At least, I'll try to end the Reign of Silence. Being ensconced in a sofa surrounded by cat and cookies and caramel (and in-laws) is not conducive to ponderous, nor humorous blog writing. It is, however, conducive to getting fat. But everyone knows these things will happen.

Jesse gained 17 pounds in three weeks. Apparently, I did not marry a human being, but I just now found out. Dang it! He was almost believable up until this.

Maintaining my record of witty-yet-approachable blogging could prove difficult for this upcoming month, as I have promised to actually make a good try at this being "domestic" for the sake of my future not-having-to-work ;). Jesse enrolled on Monday in ANOTHER school, this time a one-month, 80-hour course in phlebotomy. Soon, he will be poking people with needles in the veins. He came home from his second day with a fatty hole in his arm, and I just about hurled the home-made from scratch spaghetti-and-meatballs I had concocted on my first night of trying to support him through the "tough" times. The spaghetti was good. The Jesse taking his plate from me and immediately sitting down next to our roommate Jon so he could catch up the World of Warcraft - that was not so good. I maintained a cool and aloof exterior, but inside I was thinking "do you actually EVER want to have sex? do you want to eat? do you want ANYTHING good in this world? apparently NOT, (descriptive expletives)" So I ate my delicious spaghetti in stony silence. Take that.

Tonight I'm going to try bran muffins (for lunches) and possibly chicken w/ capers and mashed potatoes. Mind you, this kick is only going to last one month until he starts getting home earlier than I again, and then he can fend for his own self. Take double that.


  1. Que? Another school for Jesse. He didn't drop out of Chiropractoring did he?

  2. Welcome to the lonely world of video game widows... they're not quite dead, but the only thing separating them from death is breathing and brain activity that is so NOT focused on what it should be focused on that they might as well die and leave the rest of us to functionality.
