Thursday, January 15, 2009

Love = Care-Taking the Royal B****

As stated in the previous blog, I dropped my one class like I drop... everything I touch. Meaning, quickly and ungracefully, staring at it as it goes with the expression "really?" on my face.

I celebrated by promptly succumbing to the cold that has been hovering over me like a fly since we got home from Northern California. I guess it was all that sitting in a drafty ceramics room wearing my work clothes (i.e. fashionably non-functional). So I've been home sick for three days now.

Yesterday, the pinnacle of my how-on-earth-do-EARS-get-plugged-up? woe, I was internally rejoicing that I would get more than 20 minutes alone for the first time since I started working. So since March. No noise but the ambient squawk of Long Beach. No one to worry about hurting his feelings with my one-two punch of sick cranky and PMS cranky. No background I am forSAKen coming from the World of Warcraft, followed by the sounds of pigs and dogs being slaughtered for seemingly endless hours. It was my dream come true.

Then Jesse decided to be nice and caring and stay home from school to be with me. I have discovered that he is genetically incapable of going to school/work when I am home. Maybe that's love, but really. You're going to school for a reason. I moved here JUST so you could go to school - you should do it. My snuffly nose is unattractive anyway, and I promise that I'm not going to be doing anything untoward like, you-know, walking for over 5 minutes. I know, deep-down in all my dulled senses, that this is cute and caring, and all, but I had SO been counting on one day of silence and not having to answer the question "watcha doing?" that I transformed into the MIGHTIEST BITCH IN THE WORLD. I only feel a little bit bad, though. And then only because I ought to feel bad.

So instead of silence and solitude, I got: squished into the wall with love as soon as the sun rose (standard Smith procedure), laundry and dishes clanking in the background (he did the laundry and the dishes and it made me mad - I'm SO obviously ill), I am forSAKen and shrill puppy-dog death noises, and the inability to read the book I was working on because he also is working on it. Also no sprawling all over the bed spread-eagle naps, because he wanted to nap with me and that precludes taking up any room on our king-sized mattress but the upper left 4 square feet, hemmed in on all sides by love and snuggles, which was obviously not working for me yesterday.

I stayed home again for the last day today, hoping that one more day of doing nothing but stare at crap will make me breathe through my nose again. He left for school at 7:30 (I even got up to make him a sandwich!), and returned again at 10:30. I KNEW IT. It's the genes. He can't do it.

However, he and and Jon are on a MAN-DATE, as usual, so I'm sitting in the living room of blissful silence while they go get their hairs did and wander through electronics stores and frolic through fields of daisies together. Maybe they'll go watch a movie together too, saving me not only from having to ignore my own husband, but also from watching a movie. w00t!!!

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