Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Website Obsession

As I've posted on my facebook page, I just recently found out about evernote.com. OH how exciting! If ever there was a way to occupy my time unnecessarily and excite me at the same time, this is IT!

History: I am a things clipper. If I see a picture of something I want/want to make/like/think is pretty/think is funny/want to show someone/could potentially use/want to decorate my future babies in, I rip it out and keep it. I have a whole drawer (separated perfunctorily by subject matter) dedicated to ripped things. I love keeping utter crap to inspire future crap.

Premise: Evernote takes these things you want to save for future reference (including text messages, e-mails, scans, voice recordings (which it translates into text!), EVERYTHING BUT THE PAPER and clips them ON THE INTERNET. And you can tag them, label them, sort them, find things again after the original clipping. Which is something my Amazing Drawer of Uncharted Treasures (AD-OUT, for short. Kind of ironic, actually - it is solely composed of pictures torn from magazine advertisements.) sorely lacks - I know I have amazing things in there, but after clipping something, it is generally never seen again until we move and I "go through" all my crap and toss the things I don't use, which is everything - so I don't toss anything at all. Especially from my ADOUT.

Use: I'm sending all those saved texts that will disappear with a phone upgrade or fail. I'm clipping all those webpages I bookmarked with recipes on them so that I won't lose them like I did when I acquired the death on my new laptop. I'm filing organization and home decorating clips that I will prolly never use but will remember fondly and resentfully when my house continues to look like a bachelor pad with a craft table until the day I (or Jesse) dies. Instead of compiling a long long list of bookmarks ("favorites", for those still forced to use Internet Explorer), I'm clipping and sorting them. There will be comics. There will be books I want but am in danger of forgetting I want until I remember I want a book but can't remember which. There will be receipts from online payments. There will be gift ideas. OH THE POSSIBILITIES. Now I don't have to exist in the real world at all - I can be just like a computer nerd, only with hopes and dreams that I will dutifully file onto my evernote page. Now I need a scanner!

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