Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmastime = No One Can Hang Out

I took three days off work this year, between Christmas and New Year's, giving us a total of 11 days off (in a row!) Today is day 3, the first evening available to socialize, and.... naught. The only text response received was from my roommate from LA, who is home also. And while I love Margaret more and more the longer we live together... isn't it a little sad that the only response was from the girl I see every day in the hell-hole?

HOWEVER: We did get to go to Emanuella's lovely wedding, which was so nice and so reminiscent of mine own (our own. whatever). Potluck style! Only her wedding dress was much more elegant than mine (apropo), and her guests were much more... something. Old? Outdoorsy? Wearing funny clothes? - I mention this because her father wore a full suit in emerald green wool. Though my own grandfather did show up in a Microsoft Windows Blue sport coat.

We drove all the way down to the Bay Area, with the previous discussion with my old friend Robin that we should totally meet up, as well as a discussion with our old friend Samuel David Ayers III that we should totally meet up because he was going to play nerd with Robin and our other other old friend Matthew. Guess who didn't get to hang out in San Franscisco because no one would contact us? Myself and my husband, who fell asleep in the car ANYWAY so how could he have sat through a game of DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS????

Speaking of the aforementioned devil (I digress out of self-pity): On the drive back to Northern California, I felt I should drive because darling husband drove the whole way there and back last time, but I'm no good over the Grapevine. BUT, I didn't end up driving until after the first 5 hours because I refused to both drive and listen to the podcast of a RECORDED DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS GAME. Instead, I had to sit with the laptop on my lap (imagine that) while Jesse listened and giggled like a 4th grade boy who just discovered cooties aren't real. I feel like it was an OK trade. I like not driving, but I don't like podcasts of 4 nerds sitting in a room cursing about their magic missiles and setting dwarves on fire. Oh the torture!! But it was better than driving.

So, we were ignored by our friends today. That was the point. We arrived home and discovered parental desertion as well - Jesse's were inexpicable not here, and mine own decided they'd rather go camping than hang out. TRUE LOVE IS CAMPING. In a trailer.

P.S. Emanuella's wedding was great. In the words of Washington Irving in "Rip Van Winkle," and later Dr. Spock and various other Vulcans, they should "live long and prosper."

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