Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Ramifications of Being Nasty

About 2 months after I started recepting at the company, we added a column to our list of extensions that indicated to future receptionists the relative goodness of each person. Most people are blank, because you don't need to call them. The rest is a system of "*" for helpful if need be, "**" for downright friendly and/or excessively helpful, and "-" for DO NOT CALL THIS PERSON FOR ANY REASON IF YOU VALUE YOUR SELF-ESTEEM. I am not joking on the caps, either.

When we started the list, there were 7 such "-" people, all of whom, now that I think about it, were women. It has GREATLY restored my faith in large corporations, though mostly mine, to find that in the span of just 4 months, that list has been reduced to just 2. 3, if you count the one returning from maternity leave eventually, but her underlings are just praying she'll love her new baby too much and never come back. Fat chance, because what type of personality earns a "-" in the first place? Not the kind that loves babies.

I just thought it was interesting how whatever powers that be have reduced specifically the bitch population of a company IN THE FASHION INDUSTRY. I had always thought that was kind of a prerequisite for getting a good job there. Thankfully, I have been proved wrong. There are only two meanies left, though they are of the meaniest sort that take joy in putting other people down while subsequently trying to make themselves look more powerful, but only succeed in making people a) cower, and b) talk crap about them behind their backs and spread vicious rumors, which I hear every now and again wafting through the workplace.

Win for the nice people!!!

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