Saturday, September 6, 2008

What the Doodle-Heck?

As I have written about before, Jesse and I have a little old lady. Truth be known, she is not exactly little, but she is indeed an old lady. One who made Cabbage Rolls when she used to entertain during the Great Depression. And whose lifetime achievement was traveling to Europe during her early adulthood with the Whittier Women's Choir - not an uncool achievement to have under your belt, truth be known. Unless you were a male in the choir. Then it would be very not cool to have toured Europe with the Whittier Women's Choir, especially during the 50's.

Unfortunately, I have had little opportunity to spend time with her - she is at her best during the day, dwindling in energy towards the evening and probably sitting in a chair mowing down vegetable chips (which are really potato chips in disguise, just like tri-color pasta) on her living room recliner while watching The Price is Right on the TV. I don't know anything about the latter portion of that sentence - it's just what I always imagine persons over 75 who stay home all day doing. That's what my grandparents did - it was just them, Bob Barker, Alex Trebec, and Pat Sajak. And Vanna White, but she was only there to smile and turn the letters over. But I digress... I don't get the opportunity to go there after work much because Jesse can take care of her after his school gets out at noon on Monday and Friday. Though it does save me a lot of dollars on gas.

One of my favorite things about her, besides the fact that every visit she tells Jesse he's "so beautiful, it's almost feminine," is her key phrase. You know how some people just have a phrase they repeat so often it becomes a key point in their personality, something to describe them by? For me, I know I say "exactly" a whole lot in conversation. Our dear lady says "Doodle-Heck" nearly as often as the area code 90210 says "like". "I'll just get the doodle-heck in the car and we can drive to the store, but I forgot what the doodle-heck I wanted so we can just walk around until I find what the doodle-heck it is." How awesome of a phrase is that?

It is a VERY AWESOME phrase.


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