Thursday, September 25, 2008

Living in Los Ogles

That's one major difference I've definitely noticed down here: ogling. Lascivious leering, blatant eyeballing, being looked up and down and commented upon like someone else's prized Pomeranian. This pretty much never happened up North, and it sure ain't like I suddenly got hotter once I moved here. I gained weight and got scowlier. And I don't exactly work or live with Chinese Crested Terriers or anything, either. There are plenty of things to look at that might classify as "really really hot" to my own "like your little sister with a big butt."

In Long Beach, it's walking down the street to the grocery store or the coffee shop. It's the guy that runs the boxing studio that hollers across the street, "Hey, those are nice pants!" Thanks. "You fill 'em out pretty good, too!" Head down, keep walking. The little hispanic dude who's like "Hey! Hey! Is a nice body, yeah. Ver'nice. Is lookie good."

At work. Ohell. The ugliest ogle I have ever experienced. A little swarthy fellow who closely resembles a pug. Like, buggy eyes with the pupil not quite in the center of the eyeball. Heavily pronounced underbite, with the leetle kinda pointy teeth. The face creases that run from nose down around the corners of the mouth. The slicked-back helmet of hair that shines like a beetle. Just whoa. And as I walked by on my 0.2 mile walk from parking place to front door, he waited for a bit, slowly rolling his googly eyes up and down, and then followed me the rest of the way. Triple Ew.

Or the guys that slow down their cars/semis to look and yell. What do they think is going to happen when they holler incoherently from the passenger side of their car? Am I suddenly going to jump in and say "take me now?" No. They want to get a rise out of me. Cassie, my favorite cohort in crazy, turns into this little mexican jumping bean of rage, middle fingers flying and feet lifting off the ground in emphasis.. exactly what they want from a tiny little hottentot like her. I pretty much walk. **One time, a guy asked me for my number while driving his SUV next to mine. I was thinking, "are you sure you want the kind of girl who says yes to that?" I was also thinking that his vehicle was probably full of syphilis. You can fit a lot of syphilis into a Yukon.

I guess that the big difference is that in a smaller town, there's a good chance that the heckler might actually see you again. Face to face, all confrontation style. And then... well, they DEFINITELY wouldn't have a chance, where as if they hadn't hollered about your hotness from their Subaru, they might at least get eye contact.

May I never see pug-ogle again.

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