Friday, August 22, 2008

Write about Rabbits

I started at LBCC Tuesday night. Turns out I registered for MACROECONOMICS instead of Micro. Shoot.

This was my first foray onto the LBCC main campus - I had no idea what to expect. I did not expect to become a stalker within my first 10 minutes of arrival. Not like "every vow you break, every smile you fake" stalker, because I really don't like anyone that much, except for maybe Jesse when I was overtly stalking him. More like "every move you make, every step you take" towards your car. So that I can weasel my way into your parking place. SERIOUSLY. It was worse than parking near my house on street-cleaning night, worse than any other college I've been to, worse even than the MALL at CHRISTMAS. Dude. I followed some girl all the way from one end of the parking lot to the other, a centipede of cars behind me wishing my doom so that they could park there instead. I could feel the bad vibes emanating from the cars behind me.

After I finally beat the other parking gladiators, I found myself victoriously with an hour to spend. So I wandered the campus wondering WHY THE HELL ARE THERE SO MANY RABBITS HERE. I mean, the first little snip of lawn I came to, the size of the ones outside of your average KFC, had 15 rabbits on it. FIFTEEN RABBITS. Just chilling, nibbling the grass. Every lawn, the same. Sleeping bunnies. Frolicking ones. Mostly just eating. I wanted to take a picture, but I didn't want to be that girl, at age 26, ogling the bunnies on her first day of school with fervor and excitement and a camera.

I bet they NEVER have to mow the lawn.

MACROeconomics is going to be just fine. The teacher is a cute young man who looks exactly like you would think someone who really likes economics would look. Beard, jeans, hair the same length as his beard (short), brown shoes, earnest eyes. What I'm not excited about is Business Law. The first class took all THREE HOURS. The man makes Ben Stein look like an auctioneer. He does have a sense of humor, but having a sense of humor about civil suits and a genuine excitment about the OJ Simpson case does not an exciting class make. Whether or not I stick around for it all depends on whether I win the book for real cheap on eBay. If I get it, I'm stuck with a Business Law book and I might as well take the class. If I don't win, then obviously I'm not meant to take that intensive of a course my first semester back, and I will re-enroll later. I am determining my educational FATE using e-bay. Maybe though, I am not determining it - I'm leaving it up to the power that be to determine it for me.

There is also a crazy rabbit lady - she has folding chairs and bags of lettuce and carrots. WHOA.

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