Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Upcoming Events

1) Drinking terrible coffee for several months straight. I don't know why I did this - well, I do know why I did this, but in retrospect, I don't know what sort of rationale made me believe myself... I bought a vat of Yuban coffee. "Why!?", you ask. "Why would you buy church (of discomfort) discount coffee in a 700-serving size?! Do you wish to torture yourself to prove that you're tough?!" Answer: not initially, but I'll power through, and then you'll be forced to respect me. For drinking a whole vat of Yuban. The rationale, p.s., was that Margaret first suggested a vat of Maxwell House (served by the po' church of vexation of spirit), then a cheerily colored vacuum-pak of Dunkin' Donuts coffee, so I grabbed the nicely-colored Yuban and ran, never looking sideways at all the winking packages of Starbucks and Ethiopian Yrgacheffe wondering why I had forsaken them.

2) Molly is coming to visit for a WEEK! Who knew my futon was so comfortable? And she's even sharing it with her travel buddy. WIN for green futon! We're so broke that we aren't going to be able to show her any sights except whatever is along the free bus route and "things Jenny has never cooked but is attempting today." Should be an exciting trip for her - I mean - foodwise, at least. Maybe not so much adventurewise.

3) Reno Dance Sensation ( www.renodancesensation.com). Still not 100% decided on going, actually. Wouldn't it be cooler, really, if instead of spending several hundred non-existent dollars on a hotel room and staying up for four days straight, we instead came HOME the next weekend and spent several hundred HOURS (or 100 hours) hanging out with all our friends in an intimate, exhaustion-and-alcohol-and-rockstar-free environment? Quite possibly involving wine? And sleep during the night? Again - not sure. Jesse really does love sitting next to the craps table and watching, hoping to be tapped again for the AAA magazine photo shoot so he can feel important and get free booze. (As if you don't get free booze by watching craps).

4) Jon and Marg may be extending their stay for another couple months, so I don't have to worry about packing all my shit into boxes with numbers for at least another couple months. I'm down. I prefer Long Beach over all the other terrible smelly cities in the greater Los Angeles area.

5) If Jesse ever fails a class, it means we have to stay in LA another 8 months. No pressure.


  1. GO TO RENO! Remember all the people you would be drinking wine with will most likely be in Reno as well. Just a thought...

  2. Dude, if you're not going to Reno, I'M not going to Reno. There already isn't going to be any lindy hop. No Jenny either = LAME
