Monday, March 30, 2009

Explhaustion and Fragrances

MAN ALIVE. Though I don't know what that phrase actually refers to, just MAN ALIVE has this been a busy three weeks at work. Like, so busy that my desk looks like a shred-it machine barfed all over it before it had a chance to digest. As seen here:

It is full of things. Mostly things that I haven't yet finished and should have finished last week, or things that I'm not even allowed to sort and file yet, but will find myself in hot water if I do not at least sort and get a general sense of the topography of the paper landscape. Also note that THE WALLS ARE MADE OF GLASS. This does not promote quiet thought, concentration and focus, or browsing the internet at any point. It does promote getting waved at by every person I've ever met, and having the glass next to my desk tapped on as if I were a fish in an aquarium. A highly stylish aquarium.

Hence the rarer blogging. It's harder to justify sitting down in my limited at-home time and writing about how many cells I entered data into on one of my forty-two spreadsheets today. Or how I GOT GIFTED BVLGARI PERFUME this week by a contractor. Right after we'd splurged and each bought ourselves perfume, too. Now I have two. I can smell of a "crisp, floral green scent that arouses a spirit of fresh floral emotions and embodies the natural, distinctive young woman seeking a sensual signature essence as pure and enticing as the first spring blossoms." I TOTALLY WANTED TO HAVE FRESH FLORAL EMOTIONS. That's what all the Prozac had been for!! Or, I can smell like myself... that is to say... "outrageous, but always charming and unpredictably sexy. Fresh and playful, the fragrance is a classic, green-oriental blend of lush fruits, sweet nutty essences, and soothing amber, vanilla, and Tonka bean. And everyone know what a sweet nutty essence I am. I'm glad I'm not a perfume verbage artist.

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