I was smitten with a blurb from CRAFT magazine that showed this blogger who cross-stitches old pixelated video-game sprites, because pixels are square and cross-stitches are square - easy things to combing. My thoughts were well... beads are almost square, and certainly can look like pixels. So I downloaded the patterns and sprites for unknown hundreds of old video game characters, a few of which I have never even heard of, and nearly all of which I have never played or even seen first-hand. But I'm friends with geeks, and they'll know. I've even gotten some suggestions for things I never ever would have heard of, like "A Boy and His Blob." Would have slipped straight through the cracks - it still might, because the only pictures out there are very tiny and unsuitable for stealing and converting to glass.
I also happened upon a website for peeps who make leather jewelry from low-res pictures of actual jewelry. So Cool!
Anyway, the fruits of my experimental labor Note how lumpy the generic craft-store beads for untalented children are yielded the following:

Do not ask what I am going to do with a square piece of Megaman. I do not know.
Um, you're going to impress the hell out of nerds everywhere, that's what.