Tuesday, November 25, 2008

General Education is so.... General

I've spent the morning on the local city college's website, debating my future. Do I choose a Business degree, and take classes in boringness until I die of boring along with every single other undecided undergraduate since a B.A. in Business became the new B.A. in Liberal Arts? And be miserable while squinting over Business Law books, but with the whisper of a promising future to be had, a future involving this symbol "$", but not in red? OR, do I pursue my undergrad in Art, focusing on Applied Design, which includes classes such as "Applied Crafts" and "Jewelry/Metalsmithing"? This DOES include the future whispers of ($$$), but it also includes almost as much non-misery as the college course offering "Introduction to Chocolate".

After the morning of staring my course plan paperwork down like it was a leprechaun, I think I've decided on the Art coursework requirements. I mean, I've finished almost all of my GE in the last 6 years of misery, half-heartedness, and class-dropping (with a 3.5 average anyway), so all that's left is the stuff that actually teaches you something about what you're studying... i.e. Business or Art. I'm leaving the Business Law behind with a squeal of relief in favor of messiness and glee, and possible bragging about my nerdiness to complete strangers. w00t!

This is a big decision. I mean, I've been steadily hacking away, one or two classes at a time, for seemingly EVER. Now there is a finite number set before me. The end is drawing near.

P.S. All this drama is for an AA


  1. I think you're making a good choice. I too have considered the idea of getting a degree in Business, not because I'm particularly interested in Business, but because "it has a lot of potential as a major." And then I realized the thought of studying something I find completely boring for four years and then to continue on with that subject as my career would not only be a complete waste of my college years, but for the rest of my life as well.

    I think when it comes to figuring out what you want to do with your life, it's best to stick with what you love and what you're good at. I've seen the jewelry/artwork you've created and you're just too talented at it to keep it as only a hobby. I think by having Art as your major, you'll be much happier in the long run.
