Sunday, November 23, 2008

I am a Fiction Whore

I had some time off this week - due to the belly-achin' and having nothing to do at work, which coincided nicely with Jesse knocking an entire shelf's worth of books off of the shelf (how? I have NO idea). In the ensuing melee, he also found the copy of Twilight that I'd purchased a month ago and haven't been able find since because it was hidden behind all the other one million books I own. I have the book collection of a permanently single, 40 year old Creative Writing major that also has 4 cats.

ANYWAY - so I started reading Twilight. DAMN. That was the most romantic book I had ever read in my whole life, and I've been reading trashy romance novels with feet-sweeping and heaving bosoms for years. I, of course, bought the next book. And finished it in a day, leaving an empty void where the protagonists should have been. So I went and bought the next two, even though we barely have enough dollars for food. These were more important than food. They were life-sustaining. So I finished the last two Friday and yesterday, even forgoing dancing and hanging out with Jesse at the coffee shop, which he did VOLUNTARILY, so I'm sure I'll never ever hear the end of that, ever. I'll ask him if he'll go with me, and this is what he'll say: Hm. Look who wants to go to the coffeeshop NOW, would ya? Now that you don't have your vampires to keep you company anymore, you'll settle for your darling, loving husband? AND, he will be correct.

Now that I've finished all four of them, the last with skepticism and a burning dislike for the female protagonist in human form because she was a stupid whore.... I feel like that was one of the best series I've read in a long time. NOT ONLY did she NOT pull the whole "oh, but it's better to remain human, for humanity is the saving grace of the world" bullshit that so many fantasy authors seem to pull because they're not creative enough to imagine the whole life of another species (p.s. I HATE IT when authors know you want the man and the woman be together forever, but they won't let them), she also pretty much tied up all the loose end and didn't leave you to wonder, which is another thing I hate about some writers. They leave the "what if" on purpose. It drives me crazy. I wouldn't have read the book if I didn't want to know the damn ending. But I digress. Best series ever. I will be reading them until the bindings fall off, and then I will buy them again because I want Stephenie whatever to prosper and flourish.

Obviously, I am passionate about these books, which leads me to my last point. After reading these, I noticed last night at Borders that I felt more like myself than I have felt at ANY point since moving to Los Angeles. I have been concentrating so hard on how much I dislike it here and want to get out, but all that was forgotten with the introduction of Bella and Edward. I was on home turf, loving something excitedly, going to a bookstore to get out of the cold outside and buying a small soy mocha. Looking for my handsome husband to come find me and roll his eyeball at me. I was happy, and I have not been for a year. THAT, my friends, is why the Twilight series is the best thing in the whole damned world.


  1. Wow, what an awesome post. I haven't read any of the Twilight books yet, but I'm really glad you liked them.

    It's tough trying to find normalcy when you're in a new place, and books bring a lot.

    p.s. It turns out those novels with chesty men on the covers are nicknamed "Bodice Rippers," much to the chagrin of Romance Writers of America. I think that's a funny name.

  2. I know we never became good friends, but believe me when I say that I am very happy and relieved that you've had your first taste of ease. It took me a good 3 1/2 years to get to that in a new place, so kudos to you darlin. I know that little taste of relief, it's.... wonderful :) Take care and be well.

  3. Okay, I just saw TWILIGHT and it was The Bomb.

    My little brother dragged me to it. I thought it was going to suck, but it didn't suck. It was the sexiest, funniest, most seductive movie I've seen in a long time.

    I'm totally hooked. I want to read the books now.
