Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I don't know what it was about last night, but apparently Monday night was the night doomed for Fail. What with failing at coffee shop availability, failing at not being harassed by the Long Beach mafia, and failing at staying alive after consuming Greek food, it turned out to be pretty much eternal fail. If eternity is for one day plus.

Coffee shop fail was just failure at finding an available table at which to sit and write the letter I've been trying to finish for over a week.

Mafia fail. OH MAN. As I bypassed the coffee shop for want of a place to sit, I formulated my following plan, that of going to George's Greek Cafe, to have me some deliciousness and table space with a candle, which I promptly received. I also received the unwanted attentions of this little short balding man named JR who mobbled on over from his spot at the bar on 1/2 price wine night to tell me how attractive I was just sitting by myself. Then he double-checked my age... you know, just to make sure. Those teenagers sure can look old these days. After I politely declined his invitations to sit with him and his four similarly aged (50) "buddies" at the bar because I am MARRIED, he merely returned to his assigned seat and continued leering at me and shrugging suggestively for several more minutes. Until the rest rest of his cronies arrived, with their shiny shoes and black suits with the pointy collars and the cigars and the cursing at each other as prolifically as possible, until the bartendress had to holler at them by name, much like a mother would to her rowdy children that she secretly blames for the loss of her acting career.

They continued sniggering and pointedly glancing, even asking if I had to go home to my husband. Well. Yes. I married him. I like him better than 55 year old balding men with nothing better to do than hang out with a gaggle of other men and slap each others "backs" while cursing at the television. I left.

My food however, was delicious, at the expense of sending me home from work early today with complaints of stomach clenching. HOWEVER: she sent me home after I asked without first finding out why. Slow? Yes.

But I am home early today, sleeping off the Greek poison, posting blogs, falling asleep while posting blogs (which are done while sitting on a balance ball, so that is interesting), and generally doing what I do when I don't feel good. Also eating oatmeal with peanut butter in it.

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