Thursday, May 28, 2009

Stacks and Stacks

Also the name of a good organizational products webstore. Hrm. How contrary.

My life is surrounded. At work, I am slowly becoming surrounded by files, stacks of tiny 3x5 cuts of various fabrics (or as my Korean coworker would say "flabics"), 4" locking binders, and 1 yard pieces of other, less various fabrics. And paper to be recycled that is generally floating around my feet like nefarious toe-eating insects. Who gets paper cuts on their toes?! (A: I do).

At home, I am surrounded by boxes of things that have no place. Actually, we've discarded the boxes, so now I am only surrounded by THINGS. They taunt me with their unbelongedness - such is the hazard of being an impetuous purchaser married to another impetuous purchaser/student with books and looseleaf liability - the grievous buildup of things you have once wanted and might yet want again, but currently would rather stash in the back of a cupboard until such a time comes again. Or hang on a wall BUT WHICH WALL I DON'T KNOW I'LL JUST LEAVE IT FOR THE TIME BEING.

Note: I have placed stacks and stacks of bracelets upon my arm today in hopes of being in tune with my surroundings.

I have diminished my stacks at work quite a bit today - however, my stack reducing timetable has been greatly diminished at the new apartment due to the imminent arrival of the in-laws. Now, I have a friend arriving today, and another tomorrow, but really - they are my friends. They (I hope) do not care if there are 5 bamboo table runners in a pile waiting to be transformed into glorious decorative pieces, or weird chiropractic books open on the couch involving mulleted men in boxer shorts being poked by be-coated guys with spectacles and mustaches. However - this is the first time the mother in law will have seen any of our places, and I want her to think that I am taking care of her first-born, not forcing him into a squalor much like that of any bachelor.

The good thing is, I think, that he was messier even when he lived at home. So no matter what, the fact that the mess is even slightly controlled is better than previous track records. At least that's what I like to think.

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