Friday, June 26, 2009

Internets Be Damned

I've spent my ENTIRE workday today looking at interesting, useless, and utterly not related to fabric or shipping list-type websites. I don't quite know how I got on this track, but it's been utterly engaging and I'm sure scores of co-workers have walked by me wondering what the crap I'm so absorbed with. Except that they can see because my walls are made of glass... so no mystery there.

This is my favorite of the day

Soo.. the internet is not particularly "working" at our apartment. You would think that this would make me more efficient in the home, having no facebooks to look at or random things to research. YOU WOULD BE WRONG. Instead, I sit futilely looking at the upper right-hand corner of my laptop, watching the swirling dots of the firefox waiting icon go round and round, hoping that there might be just enough of a jump in bandwidth to allow me to see if my financial aid records have been processed, or how long I should keep the chicken in the oven so as we don't get poisoned. It sometimes happens, but I've wasted SO much time just waiting and waiting and playing Freecell that I'm starting to get a little melancholy.

So I resolve that tonight, tonight I will not waste any more time on the spitefully malfunctioning internets than is absolutely necessary to ascertain correct directions to Molly Malone's to see my dear friend/hairdresser play in his band. I will spend time (if Jesse ever makes it to the bank to get quarters) doing the mad piles of laundry that have been just WAITING for quarters to get did. Maybe I will cook something. Maybe I will unload the dishwasher. Maybe I'll just read another chapter of Middlesex, - I didn't ever really stop to think that maybe the title of that book was actually a descriptive noun instead of a location, but it's good regardless. I will do SOMETHING besides be harnessed to that hypnotically rotating icon, telling me that maybe, just maybe, it will process my request. Firefox, you taunt me.

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