Wednesday, April 15, 2009

On Getting to Work Early

I got to work today at 7:45, and last week one day I got here at 7:00. Which I actually really like, because it gives me time to catch up on stuff without people bugging me to get something for them, and also to post blogs.


Apparently, arriving before anyone else gives the Mexicans leave to tap on the glass and wave at you like you were an anomalous fish in a giant well-stocked-with-paper bowl. And it's only them... the Koreans, the Chinese, the White Folk... smile sometimes, maybe wave, maybe ignore you, but EVERY Mexican guy that walks by has to stop and tap. DUDE. I got here early so I could post on my blog. Not attract you with my feminine wiles. SHEESH.

There's this one guy, whose name I do not know, nor do I know where in this vast maze he works or what he does or why he knows me.... who thinks we have some sort of intimate bond that transcends the barriers of race and speaking the same language (he does NOT know I speak Spanish and I hope to keep it that way and me being married. It's SO bizarre. Every gathering there is at work, be it a company-wide meeting about survey results, a Halloween party where everyone seems to dress up as Cantinflas, or a bowling party - he brings his camera so he can take a photo with me. But not just one photo - like 12, because he needs just the right one. SO bizarre. This guy must have like 42 pictures up in a shrine with some of those candles in glass jars with pictures of saints that look like George W Bush that you can get at Food 4 Less. That is what I imagine in my head.

Anyway - people are beginning to arrive, and duty calls. That and I am surrounded by glass. Everyone can see the distinctive blue and orange of a blogger post page. I must go.

1 comment:

  1. I got wierded out about having strangers take pictures of me after this Indian woman--who was one of my Dad's followers--insisted on taking a picture with me because she had "read so much about me" yadda yadda. I felt like some kind of theme park mascot in a Mickey Mouse costume.

    When I went to my Dad's wedding people kept trying to take pictures of me. I wouldn't let them.

    That and I kept getting weird phone calls from people I didn't know and some of his followers kept trying to find out where I lived. (Luckily, we own guns and I know how to shoot them.)

    Here's a picture of my Dad and his new bride. Before you ask: He's in his seventies and she's 27 years old.
