Saturday, June 5, 2010

Working Shmurking

In my new workspace setup, my laptop (which is no longer lap-able) is sitting at a direct facing angle to my beading area for easy access. And this is a Bad Thing. Instead of finishing that bracelet that I've really been wanting to do and has kept me up at night finagling the right colors, I sit down to it and then think of something to google. Or facebook. Or whatever. OR BLOG.

Here, instead of finishing aforementioned bracelet, is a recap of what I've done/been doing since I last blogged nigh upon a year ago:

Moved from Long Beach back to Whittier into our own apartment that was beautiful and wonderful. Then, moved from said apartment into one small bedroom of a very old and very blue house belonging to our little old lady (LOL). Also a very dirty house.

No changes at the job, except more work and I've been propositioned for extramarital sex.

Jesse and I taught a 4-week series class at CalTech on Blues Dancing.

I made friends in Los Angeles (whoa).

I purchased a bikini with the intent of actually WEARING it. First test is tomorrow.

I've decided to try to take my jewelry making more seriously, which is daunting. I've applied for my fictitious business name statement and reserved the website name and an etsy store name, and I've had some beautiful pictures taken (thanks to Brian @ Libra Photographics), and had my logo designed (mostly). Which seems like a lot, but feels like not very much. I still need to make some business cards and probably some jewelry.

In regards to above subject, and not included as part of the recap, which isn't as exciting as I'd originally though, I think I want a fancy camera. Because while having Brian @ Libra Photographics be the most awesome person in the world sure is... awesome... it's a little more difficult to post photos of your new bauble when your photographer is 500 miles away. Even if it's only for SEVEN MORE MONTHS.

That's right, you heard me. Or read what I typed out. Around approximately December of this year or so (Jesse is saying to not quote him on that), the CristSmith household will be GTFO-ing from the Los Angeles Basin, and returning to Northern California where trees and water come from. I don't know what I'll be doing yet, if anything, but I do know that I will be happy to do whatever it is that comes. I do know what Jesse will be doing - crack-a-practin', as my aging and bat-sh** crazy grandfather says every time we visit.

And that is a Good Thing.

P.S. For the subject, I was going to write Shmorking, but that doesn't read right when you say it out loud. Just a side note.